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Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Ciasto marchewkowe (dotyczy kaloryczności powyżej 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Penne in tomato sauce with mozzarella and basil
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Yogurt and cinnamon oatmeal with nuts
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍲
Chicken escalopes in a creamy mustard and honey sauce with pasta and salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bird milk (applies to calories over 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Chopped poultry cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Smoothie sernikowe z jagodami
Dinner 🍲
Strogonov with potatoes
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bounty bar (applies to calories over 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Tortilla roll with roasted halloumi salad
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍲
Indyk w sosie grzybowym z pomidorami suszonymi z kaszą bulgur i warzywami z pary
Afternoon snack 🥐
Raspberry chia pudding (applies to calories over 1500)
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Italian pizza with cheese and salami
Second breakfast 🥪
Twarożek Ferrero Rocher
Dinner 🍲
Chicken in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Afternoon snack 🥐
Pancake with cherry jam and fruit cream (applies to calories over 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with cheese, sunflower seeds and pesto
Dinner 🍲
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Afternoon snack 🥐
Yeast pudding (applies to calories over 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Fit Balance
Fit Balance
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with pork loin, lettuce, horseradish dip and quinoa
Second breakfast 🥪
Dumplings with meat
Dinner 🍲
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Afternoon snack 🥐
Racuszek z jabłkami, serkiem miodowym (dotyczy kaloryczności powyżej 1500)
Dinner 🥣
Wrap with jerked beef and herb dip
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Strawberry shake
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
Twaróg o smaku mango z kruszonką kokosową
Dinner 🍲
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Poultry dish with colored peppers, buckwheat groats and beets
Afternoon snack 🥐
Ciasto marchewkowe
Dinner 🥣
Penne in tomato sauce with mozzarella and basil
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Yogurt and cinnamon oatmeal with nuts
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
Sos boloński z ryżem i sałatką grecką
Dinner 🍲
Chicken escalopes in a creamy mustard and honey sauce with pasta and salad
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Caramel cottage cheese with berry jam and crumble
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bird milk
Dinner 🥣
Chopped poultry cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Smoothie sernikowe z jagodam
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
Domowy Calzone z Kurczaka
Dinner 🍲
Strogonov with potatoes
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Turkey in Mexican sauce with rice and mint dip
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bounty bar
Dinner 🥣
Tortilla roll with roasted halloumi salad
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
PROTEIN Shake cranberry banana
Dinner 🍲
Indyk w sosie grzybowym z pomidorami suszonymi z kaszą bulgur i warzywami z pary
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Spaghetti Bolognese
Afternoon snack 🥐
Raspberry pudding with chia
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Italian pizza with cheese and salami
Second breakfast 🥪
Twarożek Ferrero Rocher
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
PROTEIN Shake mango
Dinner 🍲
Chicken in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Wrap z szarpanym kurczakiem
Afternoon snack 🥐
Pancake with cherry jam and fruit cream
Dinner 🥣
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with cheese, sunflower seeds and pesto
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
Quark straciatella with bananas
Dinner 🍲
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Whole grain penne with beef cutlet, con verdure sauce and arugula salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Yeast with pudding
Dinner 🥣
Fit Sport
Fit Sport
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with pork loin, lettuce, horseradish dip and quinoa
Second breakfast 🥪
Dumplings with meat
Pre-workout (4500, 5000 kcal) 🏋️
PROTEIN Shake peach
Dinner 🍲
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Post-workout (3500, 5000 kcal) 🔥
Twarożek truskawkowo - kokosowy z granolą
Afternoon snack 🥐
Racuszek z jabłkami, serkiem miodowym
Dinner 🥣
Wrap with jerked beef and herb dip
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Cheese and bell pepper muffins with paprika cheese and egg
Second breakfast 🥪
Salad with halloumi
Dinner 🍲
Pork neck in onion sauce with broccoli puree with roasted peppers
Dinner 🥣
Mini keto pizza with spinach and parma ham
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Keto pancakes with scrambled eggs and tomatoes
Second breakfast 🥪
Krem karobowy z malinami
Dinner 🍲
Chicken in curry sauce with mushrooms and onions
Dinner 🥣
Pieczona ryba z pesto migdałowo - bazyliowym
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Omelet with yellow cheese, milk cheese, smoked salmon and tomato dip
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream with ricotta and fruit
Dinner 🍲
Strogonov with keto cake
Dinner 🥣
Tuna cutlet with parsley sauce with salad
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Sesame bread with omega-3 paste
Second breakfast 🥪
Dill soup
Dinner 🍲
Roasted ribs with keto BBQ sauce and vegetables
Dinner 🥣
Keto muffin with jerk chicken, avocado and tomato
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Baked avocado with egg and bacon
Second breakfast 🥪
Coconut pudding with forest fruits and nuts
Dinner 🍲
Roasted pork shoulder with lasagna sauce, fried cabbage
Dinner 🥣
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Basil caprese with bread
Second breakfast 🥪
Fish soup with peppers
Dinner 🍲
Burger with dip and kohlrabi fries
Dinner 🥣
Cauliflower and broccoli casserole with minced meat
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Savory pancakes with smoked cottage cheese, bacon and dill
Second breakfast 🥪
SHAKSHUKA with cheese
Dinner 🍲
Gulasz wieprzowy
Dinner 🥣
Burger cutlet with broccoli salad and garlic dip
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Vegetable balls with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Vegetarian dish with colored peppers, buckwheat groats and beets
Afternoon snack 🥐
Ciasto marchewkowe
Dinner 🥣
Penne in tomato sauce with mozzarella and basil
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Yogurt and cinnamon oatmeal with nuts
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍲
Lentil stew with swirl noodles and salad
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Caramel cottage cheese with berry jam and crumble
Afternoon snack 🥐
Tapioca pudding with tangerine gelato
Dinner 🥣
Egg cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Smoothie sernikowe z jagodami
Dinner 🍲
Mushroom Strogonov with potato pancake
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Mexican style vegetarian cauldron with rice
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bounty bar
Dinner 🥣
Tortilla roll with roasted halloumi salad
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍲
Vegetarian minced cutlet in forest sauce with bulgur groats and steamed vegetables
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognese
Afternoon snack 🥐
Raspberry pudding with chia
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Mini pizza with cheese and olives
Second breakfast 🥪
Twarożek Ferrero Rocher
Dinner 🍲
Vegan Chicken in Pumpkin Sauce with Basil Rice and Fried Cabbage
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Rancho Wrap
Afternoon snack 🥐
Pancake with cherry jam and fruit cream
Dinner 🥣
Ratatui with bun
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with cheese,sunflower seeds and pesto
Dinner 🍲
Kotlet z tofu w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Whole grain penne with cauliflower strips, con verdure sauce and arugula salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Yeast with pudding
Dinner 🥣
Fit Vegetarian
Fit Vegetarian
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roasted beet salad with halloumi and horseradish dip
Second breakfast 🥪
Vanilla and strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Wegetariański sznycel z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Twarożek truskawkowo - kokosowy z granolą
Afternoon snack 🥐
Racuszek z jabłkami, serkiem miodowym
Dinner 🥣
Wrap with egg and herb dip
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Pieczony dorsz w sosie cytrynowym z ziemniakami i surówką
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Vegetarian dish with colored peppers, buckwheat groats and beets
Afternoon snack 🥐
Ciasto marchewkowe
Dinner 🥣
Penne in tomato sauce with mozzarella and basil
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Yogurt and cinnamon oatmeal with nuts
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍲
Baked salmon with spaghetti noodles and salad
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Caramel cottage cheese with berry jam and crumble
Afternoon snack 🥐
Tapioca pudding with tangerine gelato
Dinner 🥣
Egg cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Smoothie sernikowe z jagodami
Dinner 🍲
Hungarian style fish stew with potato pancake
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Mexican style vegetarian cauldron with rice
Afternoon snack 🥐
Bounty bar
Dinner 🥣
Tortilla roll with roasted halloumi salad
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍲
Tuna steak in forest sauce with bulgur groats and steamed vegetables
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognese
Afternoon snack 🥐
Raspberry pudding with chia
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Mini pizza with cheese and olives
Second breakfast 🥪
Twarożek Ferrero Rocher
Dinner 🍲
Hake in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Rancho Wrap
Afternoon snack 🥐
Pancake with cherry jam and fruit cream
Dinner 🥣
Ratatui with bun
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with cheese,sunflower seeds and pesto
Dinner 🍲
Tofu cutlet in a creamy sauce with buckwheat groats and beets
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Whole grain penne with cauliflower strips, con verdure sauce and arugula salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Yeast with pudding
Dinner 🥣
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Fit Vegetarian and Fish
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roasted beet salad with halloumi and horseradish dip
Second breakfast 🥪
Vanilla and strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Panierowana tilapia z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Post-workout (3500 kcal) 🏋️
Zucchini cutlet in bell pepper sauce with pearl couscous and salad
Afternoon snack 🥐
Crumpet with apples, honey cheese and fresh figs
Dinner 🥣
Wrap with egg and herb dip
High Protein
High Protein
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Meal 2 🍲
Quark with mango and coconut crumble (applies to calories only: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Meal 4 🥗
Poultry dish with colored peppers, buckwheat groats and beets (applies only to calories: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
Penne in tomato sauce with jerk chicken, mozzarella and basil
High Protein
High Protein
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Yogurt and cinnamon oatmeal with nuts
Meal 2 🍲
Bolognese sauce with rice and Greek salad (applies to calories only: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Sweet and sour beef with noodles
Meal 4 🥗
Caramel cottage cheese with berry jam and crumble (applies to calories only: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
Chopped poultry cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
High Protein
High Protein
Środa (12.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Meal 2 🍲
Cherry oatmeal with dragon fruit (only applies to calories: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Baked chicken nuggets with garlic dip, potato slices and coleslaw
Meal 4 🥗
Turkey in Mexican sauce with rice and mint dip (applies to calories only: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
Tortilla with salad alla BIG MAC
High Protein
High Protein
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Meal 2 🍲
PROTEIN Shake cranberry banana (only applies to calories: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Indyk w sosie grzybowym z pomidorami suszonymi z kaszą bulgur i warzywami z pary
Meal 4 🥗
Spaghetti Bolognese (only applies to calories: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
GYROS salad
High Protein
High Protein
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Pizzas served with country cheese with olives
Meal 2 🍲
Cinnamon straciatella cream cheese with forest fruits and granola (applies to calories only: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Chicken in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Meal 4 🥗
Wrap z szarpanym kurczakiem (dotyczy tylko kaloryczności: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
High Protein
High Protein
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Meal 2 🍲
Cinnamon quark straciatella (only applies to calories: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Meal 4 🥗
Whole grain penne with beef cutlet, con verdure sauce and arugula salad (applies to calories only: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
High Protein
High Protein
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Meal 1 💪
Bułeczka z salami sałatą, dipem chrzanowym i ćwikłą
Meal 2 🍲
Strawberry oatmeal (applies to calories only: 3000, 3500)
Meal 3 🏋
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Meal 4 🥗
Twarożek truskawkowo - kokosowy z granolą (dotyczy tylko kaloryczności: 2000,2500, 3000, 3500)
Meal 5 🥩
Wrap with jerked beef and herb dip
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Bread with steamed egg and paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Banana and carob shake
Dinner 🍲
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Chocolate mousse with blueberries
Dinner 🥣
Pasta in tomato sauce with nuts and basil
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Apple and yogurt oatmeal with nuts
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍲
Chicken escalopes in a creamy mustard and honey sauce with rice and salad
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Tapioca pudding with tangerine gelato
Dinner 🥣
Chopped poultry cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Pudding with tahini sauce and pomegranate
Dinner 🍲
Strogonov with potatoes
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Fruit salad
Dinner 🥣
Salad with halloumi and nachos
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Czwartek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with raspberry jam and orange sauce
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍲
Turkey roulade stuffed with mozzarella and sundried tomato in forest sauce with buckwheat groats and steamed vegetables
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Avocado muffin
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pumpkin pancake with almond topping and cinnamon yogurt
Second breakfast 🥪
Zucchini and tuna cutlet with peppers and garlic dip
Dinner 🍲
Chicken in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Dessert lion
Dinner 🥣
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with roasted seeds
Dinner 🍲
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Chocolate-covered banana
Dinner 🥣
No Gluten No Lactose
No Gluten No Lactose
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roasted beet salad with halloumi and horseradish dip
Second breakfast 🥪
Vanilla and strawberry shake
Dinner 🍲
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Afternoon snack (1500-2500 kcal) 🥐
Walnut cream
Dinner 🥣
Bograch with buckwheat groats
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Second breakfast 🥪
Pea soup
Dinner 🍲
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Poultry dish with colored peppers, buckwheat groats and beets
Dinner 🥣
Penne in tomato sauce with mozzarella and basil
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Scrambled eggs and tomatoes
Second breakfast 🥪
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍲
Chicken escalopes in a creamy mustard and honey sauce with pasta and salad
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Salmon caprese with rice
Dinner 🥣
Chopped poultry cutlet with potatoes and tartar sauce
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Second breakfast 🥪
Calzone with chicken
Dinner 🍲
Strogonov with potatoes
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Turkey in Mexican sauce with rice and mint dip
Dinner 🥣
Tortilla roll with roasted halloumi salad
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Basil pancake with omega 3 paste
Second breakfast 🥪
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍲
Indyk w sosie grzybowym z pomidorami suszonymi z kaszą bulgur i warzywami z pary
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Spaghetti Bolognese
Dinner 🥣
GYROS salad
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Italian pizza with cheese and salami
Second breakfast 🥪
Salad with tuna and pasta
Dinner 🍲
Chicken in pumpkin sauce with basil rice and fried cabbage
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Wrap with jerked beef
Dinner 🥣
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Basil caprese salad
Second breakfast 🥪
Cream of vegetables with cheese, sunflower seeds and pesto
Dinner 🍲
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Whole grain penne with beef cutlet, con verdure sauce and arugula salad
Dinner 🥣
Fit Fresh
Fit Fresh
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with pork loin, lettuce, horseradish dip and quinoa
Second breakfast 🥪
Dumplings with meat
Dinner 🍲
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Post-Workout (3000 kcal) 🏋️
Roasted chicken in bell pepper sauce with pearl couscous and salad
Dinner 🥣
Wrap with jerked beef and herb dip
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Poniedziałek (10.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with steamed egg and fluffy paprika cheese
Soup 🍲
Strawberry shake
Dinner 🍽️
Turkey cutlet with basil sauce, potatoes and white cabbage salad
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Wtorek (11.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Apple custard pie with fruits
Soup 🍲
Mushroom soup
Dinner 🍽️
Chicken escalopes in a creamy mustard and honey sauce with pasta and salad
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Środa (12.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Grazing bun with pate, cream cheese and vegetables with honey and mustard dressing
Soup 🍲
Czekoladowa kasza manna z owocami leśnymi
Dinner 🍽️
Strogonov with potatoes
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Czwartek (13.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pancake with vanilla cheese and orange sauce
Soup 🍲
Ukrainian borscht
Dinner 🍽️
Indyk w sosie grzybowym z pomidorami suszonymi z kaszą bulgur i warzywami z pary
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Piątek (14.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Pizzas with cheese and salami
Soup 🍲
Twarożek Ferrero Rocher
Dinner 🍽️
Spaghetti A'la Carbonara
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Sobota (15.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Soup 🍲
Cream of vegetables with cheese, sunflower seeds and pesto
Dinner 🍽️
Polędwiczka wieprzowa w sosie kurkowym z kaszą gryczaną i buraczkami na zimno
Polish Cuisine
Kuchnia polska
Niedziela (16.03.2025)
Breakfast 🍳
Roll with pork loin, lettuce, horseradish dip and quinoa
Soup 🍲
Dumplings with meat
Dinner 🍽️
Kotlet z indyka i szpinaku z pieczonymi ziemniakami, marchewką z tymiankiem i lekkim dipem jogurtowo-musztardowym
Detox Juice
Detox Juice
1 day
Set number 1 🥤🍹
ATTACK - Carrot/Mandarin/Orange/Ginger
Set number 2 🍎🍊
SHAPE - Kiwi/Apples/Kale/Avocado/Banana
Set number 3 🥦🥕
VITALITY - Strawberry/Arbuz/Grapefruit
Detox Juice
Detox Juice
2 day
Set number 1 🥤🍹
Detox - Spinach/Kale/Banana/Lemon/Parsley
Set number 2 🍎🍊
Booster - Orange/Mandarin/Ginger/Curcuma
Set number 3 🥦🥕
Reform - Raspberry/Beetroot/Apples/Grapefruit
Detox Juice
Detox Juice
Day 3
Set number 1 🥤🍹
RESTART - Celery/Spinach/Cucumber/Parsley/Apples
Set number 2 🍎🍊
LIFESTYLE - Mango/Orange/Ananapple/Banana/Arbuz
Set number 3 🥦🥕
POWER - Blackberries/Redcurrant/Berry/Banana
*Menu subject to minor changes